From Michaela Watts regarding changes in Extra Insurance
We are excited to share Breaking News from GSUSA and Mutual of Omaha!
Details are still being flushed out and a detailed FAQ will be published sometime next week.
Changes are:
Plan 2 (Accident Insurance) and 3E (Accident and Sickness Insurance supplemental) have been eliminated and are now covered under the Basic Plan 1. Girl Scout Activity Accident Insurance Basic Coverage (Basic Plan 1) is part of the annual membership registration fee.
Most of our Extra Insurance request in the past used to be for nonmembers attending a Girl Scout event and for Troops traveling for more than two nights; which was covered by Plan 2.
What does this change mean:
When is Extra Insurance needed:
Attached is the adjusted Extra Insurance Form.
Please help us share this exciting information with our Troops. As more details become available we will make sure to publish it ASAP and share it with this group as well as our various platforms.
The new form is here.
The Q and A for Volunteers is here for you to review
Thank you for all you do!